I don’t know about you, but I get restless in the winter. I love hiking and being outdoors, but winter just makes that hard. Thankfully, we live right by the Grand Mesa and snowshoeing there is absolutely beautiful! There are so many different trails to snowshoe, but the easiest place to snowshoe is probably Mesa Lakes. Lots of trails, and it’s also the first stop.
If you don’t own snowshoes, you can rent them from the CMU Outdoor Program or The Board and Buckle.

There are many different paths to follow, but the fun part about snowshoeing, is you don’t technically need to walk on a path. You can go places that most people wouldn’t be able to and can walk on fresh, deep snow, without sinking. I love it! But keep in mind, if you don’t follow a path, it’s a lot more work on the legs and hip flexers!

And don’t forget to pack yourself some food to snack on! 🙂
